
Synopsis Of ' Concert '

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Brian Kong
Mrs. Kathleen Muka
Concert Choir, Period 7
8 November 2016 Overtones Overtones are a frequency higher than the fundamental frequency of a sound and harmonizes with the fundamental note as well. To my surprise, many people do not hear the overtones that I intentionally create which led me the looking at the roots and basics of overtones and overtones singing. Every sound in the world has an overtone. Some we can hear, some we can’t. When singing, I never heard overtones until someone else performed it for me for the first time. After some instructions, I started to notice overtones which was never there before. Sometimes I even doubt myself that they exist. Overtones is a high whistling sound that once you hear once, you will not forget it again. One commonly known type of overtone sing is Polyphonic overtone singing, a technique which produces two notes in perfect harmony. The lower of the two is generated by the vibrations of vocal folds in the larynx which is the same process for everyday speech. This sound wave is a fundamental frequency, as it has the longest wavelength that will fit inside the resonant cavity formed by the speaker’s mouth and throat. Produced alongside this low note are numerous overtones or harmonics, waves with higher frequencies that can also fit into the body’s cavity a whole number of times. By moving the tongue, lips and soft palate, the shape of the cavity can then be adjusted so as to isolate individual overtones at will.

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