
Synthesis And Reflection Paper Example

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Synthesis and Reflection on LEAD6163
This author has been involved in teaching and leadership activities as a member of the Port Orange Church of the Nazarene (PONAZ), a small church in eastern Florida. Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations (2017) stated that PONAZ was founded in 1985, with the current congregation at about 110 attendees for Sunday morning worship. Other than Sunday worship, programs provided by PONAZ include a preschool, Sunday School, children and youth activities, recovery groups, and community outreach events. Recently, with the unexpected death of the long-time superintendent of church ministries, a need for the appointment of a strong leader was created.
Desired Leader Characteristics
The ideal leader of PONAZ church ministries would be able to exhibit concern for others as a necessary soft skill found to be at the top of the list of admired qualities by Marques (2013). Marques (2013) noted other important soft skills which included honesty, being true to values and beliefs, humility and having the ability to lead by example. Each of these characteristics would be necessary for a leader at PONAZ.
Drucker (2005) discussed leaders with values that fit with the organization. At PONAZ, as a Christian organization, leaders must demonstrate characteristics that identify them as Christ followers. Evans (1996) discussed leaders needing to “walk the talk” (p.2). Some of the Christ-like characteristics include loving people, listening to

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