
Essay On Latin American Women

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“Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” (Kramarae 1). As a citizen of America that is Hispanic the idea that men belong in superior roles in workplaces and homes while women do the “simpler” jobs was taught and should be addressed by politicians. For generations, men have been seen as superior to women, to the point where women lose their basic human rights. Women are seen as weak and incapable of doing anything for themselves. However, women have the ability to be independent. While some American and Hispanic people believe women are treated equally and feminism is an excuse for women to “rebel” because they have not experienced discrimination based on their gender, there are some American and Hispanic people, mostly …show more content…

Jessica Ladd says in her Ted talk about sexual violence, that one in five women are sexually assaulted while in college (“The Report” [00:5:59]). School is meant to be a safe place for students, but how can that be true when students are being raped. Women in college who are raped have to deal with seeing their perpetrator daily with fear of telling anyone. The few women that do tell someone of authority that they have been sexually assaulted do not receive a proper report until eleven months after the assault (“Ted talk” #). Even then, 99% of rapists get away with the crime. Women rarely receive the justice they deserve (“Ted talk ” #). Women in Latin American countries are victims of sex trafficking. Merriam-Webster defines sex trafficking as, “the illegal business of recruiting, harboring, transporting, obtaining, or providing a person and especially a minor for the purpose of sex.” Hispanic women have been forced into sex trafficking for decades. “Globally, nearly 2 million children are used in the commercial sex trade, according to a 2005 report from the United Nations’ children’s agency, or UNICEF.”

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