
Synthesis Essay Snow

Decent Essays

Ever thought of snow being more than just stuff that falls from the sky to be made into snowmen, to start snowball fights, and etc.. when it is much more? Snow is water vapor which later forms into matter as ice crystals that descend from the sky and build up as a white, ice cold blanket over land. Snow, unlike most natural materials whom absorb some sunlight, snow reflects the light creating its white appearance to most. Snow is much more than just fun, keep in mind the unpredictable fallings, the dangers, and effects on wildlife with the bringing of snow.

One thing that makes snow unique is that it is unpredictable and no one will know when it will fall, which makes it hard to forecast. In the article it says, “Because conditions …show more content…

Also keep in mind these guesses are backed up with the little information and stats they have. The article also mentions, “In addition, snow does not fall evenly everywhere. Even during the same storm, one neighborhood …show more content…

Because of snow being unpredictable, there is no telling how thick the snow may fall which then creates dangers to those in cars, “Traveling by automobile can become difficult or even impossible due to whiteout conditions and drifting snow. The strong winds and low temperatures accompanying blizzards can combine to create other dangers” (Source #2). For this reason, traveling can be dangerous if the snowfall is severely falling down at a fast rate. As a matter of fact, snow can be harmful for everyone who’s involved which can affect the vehicles and life. In addition to snow being dangerous to travelers, it is also just as dangerous to those who tend to just go outside for a quick walk raising the chances of frostbite and hypothermia, “Frostbite is a severe reaction to cold exposure that can permanently damage its victim. Hypothermia is a condition brought on when the body temperature drops dangerously low, and can be fatal if not caught in time,” (Source #2) As seen above, frostbite is incredibly dangerous to encounter and may leave permanent damage to the defenseless victims of the cold. Snow is not just something to be playing in all the time and spending time out sitting in it because it is “fun” to some, these are only two of many dangerous outcomes that come from being in snow for too long of a time. As can be seen, snow is not all fun and games, it also affects wildlife in many

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