
System Theory And System Model

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Systems Theory in Nursing Ashkan Bastani Walden University NURS – 6053N-12: Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership 01, 30, 2015 System Theory in Nursing System theory and system models provide extensive holistic and system-based approach to nursing that consists of an element of flexibility and interdisciplinary study of the system, 2015). The theory’s primary concern is on patient’s response to potential or actual environmental pressures.Also, how by performing primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing prevention interventions, able to retain, and maintain our nurses towards patient system wellness goals.The purpose of this paper is to review and argue leadership practice through nursing system theory, and its relationship with nursing retention, features of the job environment, at hemodialysis facilities and strategies to retain nurses. Retention of Nurses through Nursing System Theory According to a system theory, whatever is placed into a system, from the environment is called input, and the result or byproduct that is obtained is known as output. In this system, the changes that happen through the system that modifies input is known as throughput (Hayajneh, 2014). Each and every nursing system is a unique factor and its characteristics in a range of responses enclosed in a basic structure. There also exists many known, unknown to common stressors with potential of upsetting the patients as well as nurses

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