
Szymborska Ioc

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Szymborska IOC: Everyday, we take many norms for granted. We take certain things in life as standards and often encounter them without giving so much as a second thought. One of these things is the belief that the value of life of a human vastly outweighs that of an animal – or in the case of this poem, an insect. In ‘Seen from Above’, Szymborska underscores the ingrained interpretation of the pecking order of life, which we take for granted. What does this mean? We as humans do not stop and ruminate the tragedy of the death of a bird, or mourn the passing of an ant. We see the life of a human as higher up on the pecking order than that of animals, and while we may not consciously register this belief everyday, it does exist, and we do …show more content…

There is a tone of conceit, in that we give animals a voice, and then speak for them. Animals themselves, we believe, resign themselves to a lower rung of the hierarchy and accept that they are of lesser importance. We speak for them, and what we ‘suppose’, and what we ‘think’, will be the prevailing truth. Such claims lead perfectly onto another theme that runs through many of Szymborska’s other works: that is, the difference between Man’s view of the natural world and the objective view of nature. While the value of life of the beetle and the boy are the same in nature’s eyes, they are vastly different from the human standpoint. The same theme can also be found in other works such as ‘View with a Grain of Sand’, where human values and definitions are different to that of what nature originally intends for, and where we assign value and definitions to things that did not have any to begin with. In the second stanza, ‘we suppose’ and ‘we think’ that animals die less tragically, with little to mourn for. The use of ‘we’ the 1st person pronoun makes clear that such is the view of humans, and that this hierarchy of life – a social construct – belongs to none but Man. Szymborska reflects the lack of value and importance in the life of beings lower in the pecking order that we constructed through the use of structure as well. In the first stanza, we see that the length of the verses and the amount of emotion and thought steadily tapers

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