
TCMC Community Identification Report

Decent Essays

While researching medical schools, the mission and values of TCMC struck a personal chord. I was invited to an open house and learned that the final two years of medical school are spent in hospitals and doctor’s offices focusing on patient and family-centered medicine. TCMC values community health and teaches their students the importance of quality healthcare while encouraging their students to practice in rural areas. Growing up in rural PA, I have witnessed firsthand a shortage of doctors in our area--scheduling an appointment with certain physicians requires a patient to wait for weeks to months. My father and I discussed how difficult it was seeing patients immediately and the challenges of referring patients. Given TCMC’s focus on the community and rural medicine, my aspirations to practice medicine in the area I was raised, and my commitment to providing high quality healthcare, I believe that the culture and values of TCMC are the perfect fit for me.

Physicians must possess …show more content…

Based on common interests, I formed lifelong relationships with my classmates even though initially I was ignored due to my race. Having interacted with individuals raised in PA, allowed me to understand the culture of the area while providing further motivation to practice medicine here as well.. I also preserved my Indian heritage in a town where one percent of the population is of Asian descent. Raised in an Indian household, taught me the rich culture and history of India but I also observed the culture of rural America and combined both perspectives. I have been able to effectively communicate with any individual regardless of what part of the world they come from. I strongly feel my childhood experiences will help me immensely in practicing medicine by developing a great patient-physician rapport in any area as a doctor, who happens to be a

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