Wolff (1970) defines a state as a group of persons who have the right to exercise supreme authority within a territory, over a population. He proposes In the Defense of Anarchism, men are autonomous, as higher degrees of autonomy is achieved, a man will resist the claim that states have authority over him. This illustrates the puzzle of Political obligation and can be explained through the appeal to consent. Hood (2016, pp10) mentioned in a lecture “An individual’s consent is a form of command. Therefore their agreement is an expression of their autonomous will.” We can derive from this that our consent is consistent with our autonomy, reconciling the concepts. In this essay I will attempt to show that consent does not justify UK state power. …show more content…
In my opinion and people will generally agree that it is inescapable we are residing in a particular state since birth, by considering Locke’s view, it seems to imply that by living under the state, you automatically consent to the government and the "enjoyments" of benefits such as the public goods I mentioned previously are regarded as a sign of tacit consent. Nonetheless, children may not have understood the terms of consent; therefore giving consent at this stage would seem inappropriate. Furthermore, regardless of whether individuals have understood what giving consent involves, dissent seems to be difficult to express as it would mean forfeiting ownership of land and right to use public goods, etc. or as Hume (1748) puts it Can we seriously say that a poor peasant or artisan has a free choice to leave his country, when he knows no foreign language or manners, and lives from day to day, by the small wages which he acquires? These consequences are detrimental to the individual, since without housing, healthcare etc. we are unable to fulfill basic human needs. Therefore, Locke’s suggestion certainly does not satisfy any of the five
Consent is defined by NHS Choices (2010) as: "the principle that a person must give
According to sense two, legal or institutional effectiveness takes precedence. In other words, a subject’s consent is limited to the scope of the rules of the institution. Faden and Beauchamp illustrate that even if a patient autonomously gives her consent, it does not follow that effective consent is given if the requirements of the institution are not met. Consequently, the authors propose that sense one and sense two should both contribute in defining informed consent. Using Jay Katz’s argument, Faden and Beauchamp argue that sense two should satisfy sense one for there to be some type of balance between the two.
Anarchism views the state, in all its compulsory, coercive, exploitative and destructive authority, as the ultimate assault upon personal autonomy – which is the central value of the anarchist philosophy
“A person with a capacity to consent will be capable of forming their own judgements and decisions free from the influence or opinions of others.” Hence young children, mentally impaired and animals have been “deemed to be incapable of consent because of their diminished mental capacitates.”
There are multiple assessments which determine the intelligence of people, and the maturity to become an adult. There are rules which allow people freedom, and protection. However what if a person’s protection is questioned because of a mental impairment? Dementia is a mental impairment which causes older adults to be unaware of surroundings, and thus making it dangerous to live on their own. Capacity assessments determine whether a person needs the support.
As I have discussed above regarding legislation and policies promoting person centred practice in health and social care setting. One of the most crucial elements of all these legal requirements is to establish consent with individual in terms of making decisions. There are many ways of informing consent with person centred practice for health professionals under different circumstances.
The standards of sexual assault are reinforced by the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of R v. JA, in which consenting to sexual activity must be ongoing and that consent can be easily given and easily taken away. If this case is applied to the sphere of BDSM, any consent that is given in advance does not count as continuous consent (Iafolla, 2017). Most importantly, consent must be present during the sexual acts or else consent is vitiated. Thus in the case of R v. JA, one would assume a sexual assault was committed on the basis that the individual was unconscious during the rough sex. Nevertheless, this is where intent to cause harm and idea of consent become complicated, especially with regards the law’s role in it all.
Locke then turns to the second objection that was derived from people’s belief that they could not form a new government because they were born into one already. He brings attention to the fact that there is more than one way to co-exist with government, and when an individual reaches the age of maturity it is up to that person to decide which form of government in which they would like to exist. Finally, Locke’s last argument says that a father can make promises to his offspring, but the children do not have to be accountable to those promises. He believes that most children will feel a responsibility toward the estate that they have inherited from their father and as a consequence will later become subjected to the laws set forth by the
In Australia it is a requirement for a person to give consent when receiving any medical treatment. Whether it be consent by an adult on behalf of a minor or an adult consenting for themselves. This concept appears to be quite candid; however when faced with a complex and challenging situation, it becomes difficult to distinguish the validity of the individual’s consent. The case Re Bruce [2015] will explore the legal and ethical issues of medical consent in exceptional circumstances. The examination of relevant legislation including the Guardianship and Mental Health legislation and the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights will assist in answering this question. Furthermore, a number of stakeholder positions, such as spouses, medical practitioners and contents of the law and its application in practice will be investigated in order to identify if this case possess a lawful justification.
John Locke believed all individuals to naturally be free, equal, and independent (Locke, Second Treatise of Government 52). He believed that no individual could have his property removed from him and be under a political rule that was not agreed on (52). In order to live in a safe environment where one’s property and wellbeing are protected, one must agree to live in a community with other people; being
Across our society, communities alike have rigorously debated about the moral importance of consent. Ranging from college communities filled with young adults to family communities with young children and protective parents, the topic of consent and what constitutes legitimate consent have been apart of a continuous debate. Some argue that if one is either slightly, obviously or completely inebriated or intoxicated, then the consent is not legitimate while others argue that no matter how inebriated or intoxicated one is, if they are still conscious, their consent is by all means legitimate. Among these debaters is Joan McGregor, author of “ Is It Rape?”
Man's Tacit and Voluntary Consent
Informed consent is the basis for all legal and moral aspects of a patient’s autonomy. Implied consent is when you and your physician interact in which the consent is assumed, such as in a physical exam by your doctor. Written consent is a more extensive form in which it mostly applies when there is testing or experiments involved over a period of time. The long process is making sure the patient properly understands the risk and benefits that could possible happen during and after the treatment. As a physician, he must respect the patient’s autonomy. For a patient to be an autonomous agent, he must have legitimate moral values. The patient has all the rights to his medical health and conditions that arise. When considering informed
Consent must be clear and recognizable from other things and given in a comprehensive and effectively open frame, utilizing clear and plain language. It must be as simple to pull back assent as it is to allow it.
Thus, the debate on whether humans are capable of governing themselves without strong governmental powers has not come to a conclusion yet. This debate would also depend on how one defines “strong” governmental powers. In this essay, some examples of “strong” governmental powers could be government enacting strict laws, or making decisions on behalf of the public without acknowledging the fact that humans can make ethical, moral decisions. Nevertheless, I’m not claiming anarchism.