
Taiko Performances Under The Influence Of Immigration And Cultural Imperialism

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The Authenticity of Taiko Performances Under the Influence of Immigration and Cultural Imperialism

The Raging Asian Women (RAW) is a Taiko group consists of only Asian women. They will hold a concert “Crooked Lines” in March 13th. This is the event that I will attend. Taiko is a type of tradition Japanese drum, existed since the ancient Japan. Taiko was originally a tool for communication among the ancient Japanese villages. It used to signal danger and encourage warriors in battles. Later with the influence of Chinese and Korean culture, Taiko became more musical and utilized more in ritual and performance contexts.
The Raging Asian Women advocates against racial and gender discrimination since Taiko was traditionally considered a masculine activity and women were restricted to play. As interesting as the culture …show more content…

The modern Taiko performances are significantly different comparing with the traditional use of Taiko. It evolves into a new

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