Brayan Muñoz
Mrs. Black
Tainted skies
Introduction: The skies of the Central Valley are covered with bad air pollution that can easily be spotted from long distances. In recent years we believed the cloud of pollution came from factories and power plants, but a recent study says differently. The effects on the other side of the continent affects us too. The negative effects that have transcribed from the bad air quality are shortage of breath because our lungs got weaker from inhaling bad air which has led to cases of asthma. Children are hurt by the bad air quality too, since they are outside playing and inhaling the bad air to their small lungs. The actions we and big industries need to take to make sure we lower the pollution
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The facts from this is if it’s over crowded with people there will be traffic from it as well. If cars are stuck in traffic they produce more smog. The waste car emit from this is carbon dioxide. This is an invisible waste product that we breathe and cause primarily more problems in children’s health. This affects our lungs, but it affects children more because their lungs aren’t fully developed. The oil industries benefit greatly from selling their products but they don’t take in to consideration how bad this affects our air.
Point4: We have become so dependent on our cars to get from one destination to another. We drive just about anywhere instead of walking. Everybody drives it’s gotten to the point we drive around for just a hobby. When we do this we don’t take into consideration that we’re only hurting ourselves. Those are unnecessary drives we can avoid. Now it’s essential as well we need to drive to our jobs, but on our drive there we encounter traffic. In the article “How Traffic Jams Affect Air Quality” by Paul Sanders explains how “One study suggests that emissions start to go up when average freeway speed dips below 45 miles per hour (mph).” (Car pollution). So being stuck in traffic only gets cars to emit more harmful gases. We need to go about this and change our way of
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The problems that develop from this is bad lung function. This condition is affecting many people and diagnosed as asthma. It prevents people from strenuous activity because they can catch their breath. All the chemicals that are in the air affect our genome as well. Which will cause deficiency in our immune system. This will put us at risk for developing other disease not just asthma. In the Gale database “Asthma, heredity and air pollution” research shows that “air pollution exposure suppressed the immune system's regulatory T cells (Treg), and that the decreased level of Treg function was linked to greater severity of asthma symptoms and lower lung capacity” (“Asthma”). Therefore it affects everybody not just the people that have asthma. It has come to the point that they have a flag code to indicate how bad our air quality is. They indicate what days are safe for rigorous outside activity, moderate activity, or just be enclosed in your
With a declining or no use of cars can result in the reduction of pollution quite tremendously. They can by reducing the greenhouse effect. As the author reports in the article, “In German Suburb Life Goes On Without Care” by Elisabeth Rosenthal, “Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe… and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.” Therefore, with cars being a leading factor of greenhouse gas emissions, reducing their usage would have a positive effect on the environment. After days of near-record pollution,
The primary health issues that come with the impact of air pollution are asthma, cardiovascular illnesses and premature mortality. These health issues are due to pollution and the poor air quality such as ozone. Thus, human health becomes a concern and issue. The individuals who are usually more vulnerable to such illnesses are the children and elderly. For example, there’s approximately 162,438 children under the age of and 258,586 adults aged 65 years and older in Riverside county that are prone to environmental health illnesses (cdph). According to UCLA institute of the Environment and Sustainability,
Being one of the biggest social issues in Los Angeles, Air pollution has two main reasons: vehicle traffic and population growth. Actually, it is in a such crucial level that scientists indicate that air pollution in Los Angeles may endanger peoples lives. Scientific researches show that the air pollution causes cancer and have an impact on pregnant woman. Advertisements shows us some solutions like making public transportation common and sustainable housing. With the growing population of Los Angeles, something has to be done . Otherwise it is going to be impossible to deal with the air pollution. Population growth in Los
If the public transportation improves, more and more people would take buses instead of driving. Then there would be less CO2 for our environment. Mohammad-Beigi, Nouri and Liaghati (2015) claim that the population in large cities is growing very fast, which means that transportation needs also increase really fast which leads to environmental problems. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, improving public transportation is a good solution. This study shows that driving cars really causes air pollution and it is harm for our environment. Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona, so the population growth in Phoenix will lead to the same problem that the three author mentioned. Improving public transportation will be helpful in decreasing the number of drivers and therefore reducing toxic emission. According to the PR Newswire Europe Improving public transportation in Brasilia (2009) claim public transportation is good because buses are more orderly, and they are safer and have less impact on the environment. It also shows that public transportation can help to reduce air pollution. Phoenix is an urban city like Brasilia, so it has a similar situation. Improving public transportation would be a good solution because it will lead to less driving. Then we will reduce exhaust gas
First, cars pollute the environment. In 2012 the EPA reported that a whopping 28% of emissions came from transportation. As it says in the article “Running off the Road”, by Grover Kingsley, “With their largely petroleum based fuel, cars constantly spew carbon monoxide into the air.” We are responsible for the
Air pollution is when there is a presence in the air of a substance that has harmful or poisonous effects. There is air pollution almost everywhere in the world. This is due to industrialization. The world today depends on things that emit hazardous fumes and other hazardous pollutants in the air. Air pollution that is hazardous or toxic can have health risks. Some of these risks range from skin rash, cough and headache to cancer, nervous system damage and birth defects. There are no positive effects of air pollution. Air pollution is also in the form of acid rain. Acid rain pours wherever it’s ready. Acid rain destroys plants, harms animals, fish and other wildlife. Humans aren’t the only ones affected by air pollution everything is affected.
The Central Valley is one of the many sites of where air pollution is most greatly produced. This is due to the vast majority of electricity, fuels, and transportation that people in the Central Valley utilize along with the amount of agriculture that is produced here. Many people go through their daily activities without thinking about how they are harming not only the environment but also the health and well being of humans. The cause of air pollution is not only due to natural events like volcanoes and wildfires but is mostly contributed to human activities. These include use of gases, the burning of wood, power generation, driving, the use of household and farming chemicals, and more! (Lad, 2016) Air pollution is interconnected with many health effects like upper respiratory infections and chronic respiratory diseases like asthma. (, 2016) However, there are many mitigation strategies that are being implemented to help address the health effects of air pollution.
In our central valley they have done research with kids of Fresno from their birth to teenage hood tracking their health and environmental exposures. Air pollution causes 1,300 premature deaths as well as asthma attacks. The climate change also affects the pollution. In our San Joaquin Valley, hot weather, and boarding mountains traps air pollution. California has study our San Joaquin Valley would reduce health cost by $416 by 2035. San Joaquin valley is the most productive agricultural region in the country. Heavy duty-diesel trucks constantly come in and out of the Valley. Therefore, that leads to 14 tons of the greenhouse gas Ozone daily. Animal feed spews a whopping 25 tons of Ozone to form. Pollution streams down from the Bay Area and the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east trap even more air in our valley. The pollution creates a thick greyish-brown smog hanging over the
Have you ever wondered where majority of the air pollution comes from and how it’s caused since half of the population here in the San Joaquin Valley are affected due to the contamination of the air. Many people around the world question themselves of air pollution but don’t know where it comes from. It's noticeable for example pesticides, ozone levels rising, vehicle pollution, toxic waste burning, wildfires, and the list goes on. The San Joaquin Valley for many have been battling for better air quality but instead of getting better it seems to be getting worse. The air quality can contribute to dangerous health issues and environmental effects. We humans aren't the only ones who are suffering from these devastating chemicals being used on a daily basis. Humans in general, Environmental Protection Agency, or California have to find ways or solutions to limit the usage of any type of air pollution being spread all around the world. However, air pollution contributes to several health problems that can either be longer term effect or short term effect. Limiting the usage of ozone into the air will reduce the chance of new born children from suffering major effects that can later turn
The author begins the article by discussing the death percentage related to air pollution and what causes the elevated levels of air pollution. Huth continues the article by pointing out that different areas have different problems related to air pollution. Finally, Huth draws attention to the fact that different countries have different solutions to the air pollution. Though this piece was written for the entire United States, the fact that air pollution can be deadly to humans is universally applicable. Though Huth is a reporter and not an environmental scientist, Huth does cite reports made by credible institutions. Though this article talks only about how air pollution is deadly and does not expand the idea to talk about other health complications, the fact that air pollution is dangerous to human health does support my claim that a reduction in air pollution will lead to a better quality of
Air pollution has been recognized as a major threat to environmental health, and the effects that it can have on the population are extremely varied. In the environmental aspects, air
This pollution increases health risks by introducing people to harmful toxins released by cars, specifically in the asthmatic population. Hence, one can see the problems associated with traffic congestion and pollution. There are several ways to counteract the problem of traffic congestion and pollution. Firstly, the most practical solution to New York City’s congestion problem is to decrease the number of cars on the road. One plausible way would be to promote and offer alternative methods of transportation such as buses, subways, and taxis. If people used more public transportation there would be fewer cars on the road, less congestion, and less traffic pollution. Another alternative would be to increase toll prices. By increasing tolls on bridges and tunnels, people would be much less inclined to drive to the city and as a result there would be less traffic congestion and pollution. Gridlock is a major cause of traffic problems in Manhattan. If we were to implement more severe fines for blocking intersections, people would not try to “beat the light,” in effect decreasing overall congestion. A third approach to try and resolve this issue would be to change some one-way streets to two-way streets. Doing this would allow easier access to destinations and would eliminate indirect route taking. As a result, overall pollution would decrease. These are some of the methods that would be viable in decreasing
Cars consist of being the number one way of travel throughout the United States. We rely on them to transport us to work, activities and necessary destinations. With this constant use of vehicles, it has had a negative impact on the environment. Although cars were invented almost a century ago to make life easier with getting around, car pollution has been our number one source of air pollution and has significantly impacted our environment due to how accessible they are. Arising problems such as air pollution, global warming, and health issues of americans, we have to come to the understanding that our environment is at risk if the amount of car pollution continues to increase.
The U.S government has been actively involved in overseeing emission standards for years. This corresponds with the statement made by the U.S Department of transportation that, “Transportation is the largest end-use sector emitting CO2”, and also the statement released by the NRCAN in which, “Fuel usage & carbon dioxide emissions have grown steadily over the past two decades.” These factors are only to be associated with your average four door sedan and/or light truck. These do not include your 18 wheelers, heavy trucks, or the gas guzzling vans that emit more carbon dioxide into the air and are also on the road more today than ever have been before. Cars are readily and easily obtainable more so now than ever have been. This creates more fuel to be burned up in which produces more toxins to be constantly released into the atmosphere. In fact, according to Scientific American “cars relate as much as 30 gallons of GHG, while only driving 3 miles.” These miles can be correlated with something just as simple as your average work commute. According to the United States Census Bureau, “Nearly 600,000 full-time workers had "megacommutes" of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.” Those workers alone would each be releasing up to 500 gallons of GHG. These can be considered some of the bigger factors that the greenhouse gasses have taken a toll on.
Air, is one of the most substantial source to mankind and our planet. While it exists, so does everything else along. However, in today’s epidemic, there has been certain factors that have increased in understanding whether the air we breathe today is healthy or not? Is it doing more harm than we thought? In other words, the health risks against air pollution have risen in the past few decades; all from what you may ask? Well, it could be for various factors and evaluations; either environmental or materialistic. Pollution is a major public health crisis in the world. (Friis, 2012). This is one of the conflicts that contribute to various aspects of an individual’s life, whether they may realize it or not. In this paper will include the sources that cause pollution with the effects it cause as well as policies on the regulation of air pollution.