
Taking Into Account The Differences In The Treatment Of

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Taking into account the differences in the treatment of Blacks in the Caribbean and Blacks in America historically, I agree that African Americans perceive racism differently than first-generation Caribbean immigrants. In my opinion, inner-city African Americans would be more successful at achieving their goals if they were to adhere to the way first generation Caribbean immigrants perceive racism in the U.S. If they were to perceive racism as Caribbean immigrants do, African Americans would be able to end the cycle of Permanent Traumatic Stress Disorder that is seemingly passed down from generation to generation, where they would be able to have an internal locus of control. African Americans, and particularly those who live in the inner …show more content…

In a 2013 incident, she reported that she was not shown or even sold a hand bag in a boutique in Switzerland due to the saleswoman assumption that she couldn’t afford the handbag – an incident that infuriated blacks in America. Following the incident, Winfrey commented, “I could’ve had the big blow up thing and thrown down the black card and all that, but why do that?” Oprah, thus, views racism as a personal mindset, similar to Caribbean Americans, where she is less affected by racism and is able to move beyond that moment. However, this reaction contrasts with the reaction of many black Americans. Were a young black female or male to be followed around in a store by a store clerk, that black person would rail against the store clerk and call them out on their prejudice. I know I have, as a black female who has stopped shopping at stores where this prejudice occurs. Oprah didn’t see the value in doing that. She moved forward and continued on with her life, refusing to let the moment get to her. For many black people, including myself, these personal attacks are more or less an example of the systemic nature of racism. We are troubled by these experiences.
However, now a burning question must come to mind; how did Oprah acquire an Internal Locus of Control? It is quandary simply because Oprah is an African-American. In fact, she was born to a teenage mother and raised in an impoverished,

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