
Taking a Look at Twitter

Decent Essays

Twitter can greatly influence people’s social behaviour as it affects the way people communicate with others, the type of information they share on twitter as well as the influence this information has on their way of thinking and behavior. In my experience, it is very common especially for younger individuals to be greatly influenced by the trends of their time and follow specific examples which are suggested by such social networks. As far as I am concerned, social networks play an increasingly important role in shaping the behavior of Web users. Twitter stands out from the others, not only for the platform’s simplicity but also for the great influence that ‘’tweets’’ can have (Del Campo et al. 2013). Twiter can greatly influence people’s social behavior as it affects the way people communicate with others, the type of information they share on twitter as well as the influence this information has on their way of thinking and behavior. It is very common especially for younger individuals to be greatly influenced by the trends of their time and follow specific examples which are suggested by such social networks. Despite twitter’s increased popularity, very little is known about its effect on one’s personality and social behaviour (Qui et al. 2012). Taking into consideration the millions of twitter users daily, it can be said that microblogging constitutes a written record of people’s behavior (Qui et al. 2012). By studying microblogging, understanding of an individual’s

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