
Taking a Look at the Manhattan Project

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Although the Manhattan project was a bomb it was the psychological effects of the two bomb droppings that did more damage than the actual destruction caused. The projected was started through United States concern that the Germans were developing a similar weapon. It was kept a well guarded secret and when it was used for the first time on a city caused a horrible shock. The decision to use the bomb was not made lightly and had many different reasons behind it. It was made especially hard after seeing the actual destruction it could cause because unveiling the technology would lead to others wanting to replicate it. In the end though it was used on Japan and though it caused less damage than previous air raids it lead to their surrender. While nuclear fission was believed to be possible in Germany since 1938 it was not put into actionin the United States until 1943. That year Allied scientists created a plan to use the fission to build an atomic bomb before the Germans could. In early 1939 word spread like wildfire that Germany had learned hot to split an atom. The fears this struck in the scientific community encouraged scientist, like Albert Einstein, who fled Nazi persecution, and Enrico Fermi, who escaped Fascist Italy, to approach the President. They wanted to express the dangers of the technology and to urge him to start an atomic research program in the United States. Fermi decided to travel to Washington only to be faced with the fact that no one else felt the

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