
Taking a look at Bullying

Decent Essays

In today’s society bullying has become a major issue that the kids in America are facing. Over the years, this issue has evolved from bullying verbally to cyberbullying. With the increase in use of technology children are beginning to use internet sites such as Facebook, twitter, and Instagram to judge other peers. With issues beginning on the internet they are also bringing them with them into the schools, workplaces, and many other local places. The cyberbullying is causing emotional problems throughout this generation. Children are bullying others because they are lacking something at home with their families. In order to fix this problem I believe that we need to start teaching kids life values so that they are able to respect themselves first, and then they will be able to respect their peers. “Cyberbullying is usually defined as a form of bullying that uses electronic means such as email, mobile phones, messages, instant messages, text messages, social networking sites, and personal webpages, with the intention of causing harm through repeated hostile conduct” (Ortega). The most popular form of cyberbullying today is through the use of social networking through Facebook. These issues take place through comments that are left of pictures that are uploaded or the conversations that take place because of statuses that are posted. Looking at the younger generations we are able to see these issues starting in the elementary schools and continuing on through the college

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