
How Does Dickens Use Metaphors In A Tale Of Two Cities

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In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Dickens uses metaphors and imagery to express his stance against the revolution. At the beginning of the story, Dickens goes into great detail about how worn down and starved the people in France are because of the aristocracy. However, after the Marquis is killed, everything changes and the people in France all become blood-thirsty killers. In “Echoing Footsteps”, Lucie and Charles Darnay have a daughter. They are living peacefully in their England home. Meanwhile, in France, the revolutionaries storm the Bastille with Madame Defarge and Defarge leading the revolt. They succeed in overthrowing the Bastille, killing prisoners and guards in the process: “The sea of black and threatening waters, and of destruction …show more content…

In addition, in “The Grindstone”, Lucie and Dr. Manette come to France to find Mr. Lorry and Darnay. Mr. Lorry and Dr. Manette look out upon the revolutionaries sharpening their weapons on the blood-stained grindstone: “But such awful workers, and such awful work! The grindstone had a double handle, and turning at it madly were two men, whose faces, as their long hair flapped back when the whirlings of the grindstone brought their faces up, were more horrible and cruel than the visages of the wildest savages in their most barbarous disguise” (309). Dickens uses words like “madly”, “horrible” and “barbarous” to show how uncaring and wild they have become since the beginning of the revolution. Dickens goes to great ends to describe the revolutionaries' change into these mindless monsters, and the effect of it is to instill fear, and possibly a little hatred, in the readers whenever the revolutionaries were around or even mentioned. By the end of the book, the peasants are no longer pitied, like at the beginning. Instead, the sympathy shifted towards the aristocracy and the victims of the

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