Did you know your life is a story? An exciting tale to be told and retold by your children your grandchildren. In Tales from My Back Porch I have written ten fictional stories of ordinary people and how they impacted the lives of those around them. We are on track to release Tales from My Back Porch by the end of May. If you were one of my advance readers please post your review on Amazon. Each review is very important. Protencal readers rely on reviews to make purchasing decisions. Therefore your review of Tales From My Back Porch will increase sales. Two of my fellow author put it this way.
"If you can only read one book this year, the ten stories in Tales from My Back Porch by Darrell Case must be the one! Best new book I've read in
In the world today many people undergo personal challenges that impact their lives negatively. Two short stories exhibit how personal challenges affects our relationships with others. Initiation, a short story by Slyvia Plath demonstrates a stereotypical high school life and how it influences a teenagers life. As well as, Reaction-Interaction, a personal essay by Diane Kenyon, explains the struggles of a deaf person. By analysing the similarities and differences between the stories, you can gain crucial life lessons.
Farming the Home Place: A Japanese American community in California 1919-1982 by Valerie J. Matsumoto presents a close and in-depth study of social and culture history of Cortez, a small agricultural settlement located in San Joaquin valley in California. Divided into six chapter, the book is based primarily on the oral interviews responses from eighty three members of Issei, Nisei, and Sansei generations. However, many information are also obtained from the local newspapers, community records, and World War II concentration camp publications.
What inspired the author to write a book about such a crazy thing? My book is called “ Hideout” by Watt Key. This book was published on January 10, 2017. It was published by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (BYR). It also has 320 riveting pages that won't let you put the book down! This is my absolute favorite book ever and is full of mystery and edge.
The Buffalo Creek is in the Appalachians in West Virginia and this area was named buffalo Creek because the hunters were coming in this area to hunt the buffalo and as long as the hunters were killing the buffalo and there had no more the buffalo in this area. When the hunters realized that there had no more buffalos in that place and then the people start to build the houses in Buffalo Creek that is how the story of Buffalo Creek had began. The people of Buffalo were coal minors, and coal mining was their life, they didn’t have another job besides coal mining everybody in the Buffalo community never envies to go do another job, and also Buffalo Creek was reputed cause coal mine. They were depended for a living to coal miming, and
The purpose for this book is to bring together stories that have not been put together before. Larson brings together two opposite types of storylines and combines them into a unique perspective of writing to inform readers that many things can happen in one location as well.
The book starts out as Jeannette seeing her mother on the streets of New York digging through a garbage can, and how embarrassed she is of who her mother was. But when you get to the second chapter it starts out with her earliest memory, of being on fire at just three years old. Right from those two chapters you can tell she had a crazy life as a child.
The Amish have only white people in their group. The Amish goose back to the 16th century.The Amish ride in horse and buggy and bikes just like the Giver community but unlike them Darlington people drive car, trucks and motor bikes .The Giver community has just white people because they can't see color. The Amish grow their food.The Giver community they don't have to grow their food they get there future microwave that made it for then.Darlington they grow the food to sale to stores that the people buy.The Amish goose to church and there not allied to do things that the book says and if they don't do what the book says they will get kicked out.The Darlington community
Authors use their point of view of a story to develop the central tone of a story, or to better institute what their purpose may be. Some authors may have the same purpose of different stories, or may have significant differences. Anna Quindlin (author of “Homeless”) and Lauralee Summer (author of “Learning Joy from Dogs without Collars”) both discuss having homes as a top priority when it comes to a childhood, and a feeling of normalcy and security; “Learning Joy from Dogs without Collars” was written to foretell how a home can affect one’s childhood, while “Homeless” was written to tell how “home is where the heart is” (834).
The Secret of Trail House Lodge is the second book in a mystery series starring Sophie Collins. Sophie, a fourteen year old girl, has only recently become heiress to the Morsey Estate. She, as most young adults her age, is still trying to find her way. Grayson, her caretaker, wishes she would act more dignified and ladylike, but Sophie is a tomboy at heart and not ready to grow up quite yet. Sophie and her friends Beth Martin, Tommy Logan , and Tyler Blakemore love exploring together and finding mysteries.
In the American society, storytelling continues to play a critical role. Each story, storytellers tells, serves a deep meaning towards their life and provides a medium, allowing the storytellers to keep the information they hold as a remembrance. Indeed, storytelling would bring meanings into one’s life as well. Storytelling offers a pathway that allows ones to stimulate continuous learning, development, connection and to look ahead to their future. Storytelling is an expression of power providing pathways to spiritual knowledge.
She had a vision. A vision every little girl dreams of. He had a Lindsay shaped hole in his heart. The two spectacular souls became one on July 18, 2015 at the beautiful Avon Century Barn.
Chapter 1- The porch gossips]: Can’t she find no dress to put on? – Where’s dat blue satin dress she left here in? What dat ole forty year ole oman doin with her hair swinging down her back like some young girl? Where she left that young lad of a boy she went off her with? Where he left her? What he has done wid all of her money? Why dont she stay in her class? " lane 6
In the story "The Lark and her Children" the lark and her children lived in a wheat farm that was owned by a farmer. Once the wheat was ripe he had to cut it down, so he called his friends to help him. He waited to hear their car come down the driveway. The Larks mother told them he won't get it done. Then did it on his own and the lark and her children had to leave their nest. The stories that you can always count on yourself.
My intention for The Porch, regarding the aspects of education and food, is that it is offered to all in the community and upheld indefinitely. Of course, to begin a service project such as The Porch, the available resources require consideration. As mentioned earlier, rural congregations predominantly include members from the Baby Boomer generation and older. While the quantity of the able leaders may dwindle at a faster rate than a congregation with a more even distribution of ages, these older generations tend to have a greater wealth of experience. This wealth of experience brings a bounty of potential small group leaders. Additionally, these age groups also have greater economic stability and tithe more consistently than their younger
Do you feel an obligation to think about other people’s welfare? If you do, how far does that responsibility extend? Are you responsible for a sibling, a neighbor, or even a stranger across the world? The short stories I read help me think about the world around me and enlighten my understanding of my personal responsibility to others. First, these short stories show personal responsibility by describing to what degree we are responsible for the weaker or oppressed members of society. Second, the short stories I read helped me think about to what extent should we be driven by personal responsibility to act with compassion, empathy, and concern for others. Finally, short stories exemplify how we are personally responsible for our friends and how we live our own lives.