
Taliban Rules For Women Essay

Decent Essays

Taliban Rules for Women
The Taliban have tons of rules for women. All of these come from Here are some rules on women. A ban on males and females riding the same bus. Women can’t be seen on balconies. Women can’t be treated by male doctors. If women can’t be treated by male doctors and women can’t go to school, who is going to treat the sick women? Those rules are ruining the females’ everyday lives in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Here is a quote directly from the website listed above: “Ban on women wearing high heel shoes, which would produce sound while walking.” That is crazy! The Taliban banning women from wearing high heels because they produce noise! Also, there is a ban on watching of movies, television and videos, for everyone in Afghanistan. It’s hard to live life without TV because that …show more content…

According to Google, it is important because education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It is true because the smarter we get, the more we get to know the world around us. Also, states that when women are educated, there are more jobs for everyone and if all girls went to school, low and middle income countries could add $92 billion per year to their economies. That’s a lot of money for poor countries. Here is a quote from google: “DECREASE INFANT MORTALITY: Children of educated women are less likely to die before their first birthday.” Also, states that “When a country gives all of its children secondary education, it cuts its risk at war in half.” That is crazy! Just by giving kids and education could possibly save their country. Again from Google, it states “As many claim, investing in a girl's education is investing in a nation, and girls who receive an education are less likely to contact HIV & AIDS, and thus, less likely to pass it onto their children. That is why girls education is

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