
Tamarack City Planning Guide Essay

Decent Essays

Tamarack City Planning Guide

The economics of a city should not rely solely on one industry, tying its fate to the successes and failures of that industry. The City of Tamarack hopes to strike a financial, structural, and cultural balance between our current partnerships with the mining industry and our future endeavors in tourism.

As Representatives of the City of Tamarack, we have outlined below our goals in the negotiation process and the strategy behind achieving them.

Who do we represent? • Residents of Tamarack • City officials • Supporters of both industries (mining and tourism) • Environmentalists

Goals • Approve a location for the next mine that will not hamper our efforts in tourism • …show more content…

xt Mine – Eagle Falls Site – 150 points
Restoration of Consumed Mines – Company fully restores all consumed mines – 120 points
Road Maintenance – Company maintains all roads it currently uses / City maintains the others – 69 points
Paving Dirt Roads – Company paves all roads it currently uses / City paves others – 42 points
Tax Rate – Increase tax 4% – 30 points
Total = 411 points

Alternative #2
Site of Next Mine – Eagle Falls Site – 150 points
Restoration of Consumed Mines – Company fully restores mines near tourist roads and restores other mines partially – 90 points
Road Maintenance – Company maintains roads it has constructed / City maintains the others – 48 points
Paving Dirt Roads – Company paves all roads it has constructed / City paves others – 27 points
Tax Rate – Increase tax 2% – 24 points
Total = 339 points

Alternative #3
Site of Next Mine – Eagle Falls Site – 150 points
Restoration of Consumed Mines – Company partially restores all mines – 60 points
Road Maintenance – Company maintains roads it has constructed / City maintains the others – 48 points
Paving Dirt Roads – Company paves all roads it has constructed / City paves others – 27 points
Tax Rate – Maintain current tax rate – 18 points
Total = 303 points

Alternative #4
Site of Next Mine – Devil’s Pass Site – 60 points
Restoration of Consumed Mines – Company partially restores all mines – 60 points
Road Maintenance – Company maintains roads it has constructed / City maintains

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