
Tap Water

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All tap water in the United States is to be tested annually and the results are sent to the consumers. Tap water taste the same as the more expensive bottled water. Tap water is a healthy way to fulfil your thirst, and you can find it in almost any building. No matter how you buy it water tap or bottled it’s the same regardless. Also tap water taste great, is convenient and is environmentally friendly.
Tap water is far more cheaper than bottled one water bottle can cost up to 2$, whereas tap water only cost 300 times cheaper says“Insider Buisness”. Also many restaurants provide free tap water or bottled water, and if tap water is bought usually free refills are also offered. Instead of buying cases of water it is possible …show more content…

Tap water does not have to go through a factory to be bottled, it only has to be purified. Tap water produces less plastic since there is no need for water bottles. Tap water usually comes from a local source so it puts less strain on wetland ecosystems. Tap water goes through many EPA standards before it can be delivered to consumers, says”11 facts about your drinking water
Tap water is convenient it can be filled with any water bottle or cup from any faucet around. Since tap water is so plentiful it can be used as much as desired without having to worry about using too much. Tap water is almost unlimited the water company always has an excess of water to use. Because tap water is so easy to get most people just drink it over bottled water. Items like water hoses help tap water be transported from one point to another. This make task like watering plants easier.
Bottled water is a waste of money it goes through the same sanitation standards as regular bottles, and is just as healthy as tap water. According to Standage tom in page two of his article he says “bottled water is keep refrigerated until the sale”, and that waste a lot of power. He also says how in a blind taste test many people cannot tell the difference in tap and bottled water. Tap water is not in all kinds of water bottles it goes through pipes, which are far more environmentally friendly. Water from the tap is the cheapest way someone can acquire water.

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