
Tatar Argument Against Russia's Annexation Of Crimea

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Hundreds of Crimean Tatars launched a blockade of roads from Ukraine to the Crimean peninsula to protest Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula. With help of the members of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist Pravy Sektor group, the protesters used concrete blocks to partially seal off the three roads linking mainland Ukraine to Crimea in order to halt the delivery of goods. Tatar leaders said they were aiming to block supplies to protest the "numerous violations of their rights by Russian authorities"."Our goal is to end the occupation of Crimea and to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine," Refat Chubarov, one of the expelled leaders of the Crimean Tatar community, told journalists. Dozens of trucks were backed up at the crossing …show more content…

The Tatar community of Crimea were exiled under orders of Stalin to Central Asia during World War II, with almost half perishing in harsh conditions. They were only allowed to return to Crimea at the end of Soviet rule. The demonstrators said they hope their actions would help pressure on the members of the community, secure the release of detained Tatar activists and see restrictions on Tatar media lifted. Between 10,000 and 15,000 members of the Tatar community (which has its own distinct language and culture) are thought to have fled Crimea ever since the Russian flag was raised on the peninsula.
Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, later said on national television that he would raise the issue of "the rights of the Tatars of Crimea" at the General Assembly of the United Nations later this month.
Despite the annexation by Moscow, Crimea (linked to Russia by only an over-burdened ferry link) is reliant on Ukraine for most of its energy and food supplies. The region has been subjected to tough sanctions by the West that have seen it cut off from international banking systems and Western firms pull

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