
Tattoo Argumentative Essay

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With an idea, a needle, and dye an image is dyed into your skin that will last forever. Tattoos are symbols that represent something more than an image. Tattooing is self-expression of past, family, self-esteem, and social life. Tattoos are not meant for everyone. Many people get tattoos without considering the life long consequences that come with it.
Christianity is about the life of Jesus and trying to live more like him. The Bible is from God and is written without error. The wording from The New International Version says: “28 Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 19:28) This passage in Leviticus is talking about the pagan religious rituals of the people living around the Israelites. God does not allow his people to be involved in idolatrous, pagan worship and sorcery. God wants us to separate ourselves from anything other than him. Is tattoo a form of pagan or a way to worship other Gods? By tattooing ourselves with pictures or words, are we giving ourselves labels that are not from God? The answer is questionable because we do not do pagan anymore. I have seen some Christians with tattoos. The serious question to ask is what are my motives for wanting a tattoo? Will I still want these tattoo years from now?
When receiving a tattoo there …show more content…

A tattoo is a very important symbol of belonging to a gang. Many gangs use tattoos to identify the members in their gang or another gang. Tattoos are nonverbal communications used by gang members and their enemies. Gang members tattoo the gang’s name all over their body so that the world will know who they are and whom they belong to. If a gang member decides that, he wants to get rid of his past and start a new life. He has his past tattooed all over his body. Tattoos prevent the gang members to get a good job or have a safe family. Because of all this society will look at at anyone differently if you have a

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