
Tattoo Descriptive Essay Writing

Decent Essays

Writing has always been fun for me but writing a descriptive essay on second person’s pronoun was the worst night mare I ever had because, of my experience in high school.
During my high school in English class, we were asked to write a descriptive essay about the tattoo we love and the reason for having such tattoo must be explained in a proper manner. My teacher provided us a guidelines to use to carry out that assignment, in a way it will pleases her by showing us how to construct a descriptive essay by making it your own story. At the end of the class, I asked her to give clear details about the assignment because she was insulating that everyone should get a tattoo on their body which is part of the essay. It was at this point I told her that l cannot get a tattoo because it is against my religion, she replied me that I am not ready for the assignment. I was left with no choice, rather than asking questions, of how it feel like wearing a tattoo on your body. My cousin who had a tattoo of his girlfriend at his back told me the pains he had in the process of getting his tattoo. Later on, I summited my assignment without getting a tattoo on my body, she read it and looked at me with a smile and said, you need to rewrite your assignment again. Unknowingly to me, her means of rejecting it was because there was no mark of tattoo on my body. I used my mother as my tattoo essay which l placed on my chest as an imaginative tattoo, placing her there signifies how much l love

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