
Tattoos In American Culture

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These days no matter where you look, you can’t help yourself but see a tattoo. Tattoos are becoming a popular phenomenon that is seen everywhere. It is currently quite in favor and acceptable among today’s youth. According to Harris Polls (2012), every year the number of individuals with tattoos have changed where it dramatically increases and yet the negative stereotype and the connotations it receives has never changed.
Tattoos have been around since ancient times. It has been practiced for many centuries in many cultures. Tattoos were symbols that represented many things and most of it have a story and meaning behind it. In American culture, tattoo is a well-established art form that has undergone dramatic changes. Tattoos have left a big impact in our modern culture …show more content…

Instead of inspiration on having one, it basically becomes a collection. I found out that there is no single and definite reason why some people choose to get lots of tattoos and others don't. I think it is all about personal taste. Frequently, we often asked them, the people who has tattoo, stupid questions like “What are you going to look like when you’re 80?”, “Did it hurt?”, “Is that real?” and “What does it mean?”. Sometimes asking those questions can offend person’s feeling especially asking without even thinking carefully. And when we see a woman or man who have a lot of tattoos, we often view that person definitely had a rough childhood, a rebel, trying to stand out from the crowd, probably drinks a lot, must be tough and he/she will never get a real job. Only when you try to understand why these people decide to get inked, they will often interpret themselves that their body is their journal and the tattoos is their own story just as Johnny Depp said. Tattoo can reveal more about the real you, but most of the times it distracts people from getting to know the real

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