
Tattoos : The Causes And Effects Of Adolescents

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Tattoos are now common among teens and young adults. Researchers have found that four in ten people from the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine have at least one tattoo. Artistic expression on the body is common, but will those tattoos cause problems with teenagers and young adults in the long run? Being a teenager can be very hard. Growing up involves tons of physical, mental, and social changes that can be very demanding to cope with. Getting tattoos is one of many options that can help them deal with these changes. They can be extremely addictive for adolescents. “....and once I got my first one, I got addicted,” (Tomlinson).“The experience itself can lead to the release of dopamine – the reward chemical – in the brain, which may make it addictive. At the same time, it’s possible to get addicted to the feeling of excitement in the build up to getting the tattoo and to the reactions of those around you (positive or negative),” Hillman said. Tattoos have been associated with a series of defiant behaviors. Studies on tattoos has documented a strong relationship between people with tattoos and antisocial personalities. Laura Manuel and Eugene Sheehan conducted a study to test whether college students with tattoos signal extreme behaviors. Participants used were 46 men and 164 women. “Female prison inmates with tattoos were more likely to have been in all four types of institutions: juvenile halls, reformatories, jails, and prisons,” (Manuel). They found that the more heavily tattooed delinquent girls were more uncooperative and aggressive than delinquent girls without tattoos. “In research involving college student respondents, males with tattoos were more likely to report having been arrested and females with tattoos were more likely to report shoplifting (Manuel).” Adolescents and young adults should should be fully aware of the medical issues that tattoos may produce. “Anyone considering a tattoo should be current on their immunizations,” (Tattoos & Teens: Know The risks). This includes Tetanus, Hep A, and Hep B. “A needle contaminated with HIV continues to exist,” (Lopez). “Whether the long-term health is affected by tattooing is unclear. However, if a large area

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