
Tax Policies Should Encourage Housing Privatization

Decent Essays

“The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.” Samuel Beckett’s existentialist play Waiting for Godot is the perfect analogy for American citizens living in public housing. Their tears remove the tears of so many other Americans. Their tears provide jobs, housing, and a sense of superiority for so many Americans. American tax policy does not have an infrastructure that promotes positive public policy initiatives for housing Americans. Tax policies for affordable housing should be founded on efficiency in spending and effectiveness in creating good public policy. Affordable housing tax policies should encourage housing privatization. In order to create good public policy, government must understand the underlying needs of the public and must be able to adapt quicker to economic fluctuations. Congress enacted the Housing Act of 1937 to improve the living conditions for low-income families. Government …show more content…

Martin Luther King, Jr., riots broke out all over the country. This lead to the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which outlawed most housing discrimination, practices and gave HUD enforcement responsibility and was the inception of Ginnie Mae which provided mortgage funding for moderate income families. The 1970s ushered in the predecessor to section 8 vouchers, the Federal Experimental Housing Allowance Program. The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 consolidated most of the programs and increased Section 8 housing offerings by allowing tenants to have a choice of housing. Congress has continued to create legislation on top of legislation as Band-Aid for deep wounds never fully dissected, understood and addressed. In 2015, we now have at least 20 federal programs and we throw about $49.6 billion dollars at this problem. Many of these programs are duplicative and are not affective enough to justify the price

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