
Tda 2.2 2.1

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Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people

2.1 The signs and symptoms of common childhood illness
For information and a list, the following is taken from Illness | Symptoms | Causes | Incubation period | Chicken poxChickenpox is a mild and common childhood illness that most children catch at some point. | Rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off.It takes seven to 21 days for the symptoms to show after you have come into contact with the virus. This is called the ‘incubation period’. | It's a very contagious infection.The chickenpox virus is spread in the same ways as colds as flu. | A child with chickenpox is …show more content…

| Usually caused by a virus, can be spread in much the same way as the common cold.Children can also become infected if they have contact with fluid from the blisters or saliva of someone who is infected. | Hand foot and mouth disease is what is known as self-limiting condition meaning that it will get better by itself without the need for treatment. Symptoms will usually pass within 7 days | DysenteryAn infection of the intestines that causes diarrhoea. | Diarrhoea sometimes accompanied by vomiting, nausea and stomach | It is caused by a bacteria called shigella bacteria The bacteria are found in faeces and are spread through poor hygiene; for example, by not washing your hands after having diarrhoea | Dysentery usually clears up after a few days and no treatment is needed. However, it is important to replace any fluids that have been lost through diarrhoea. | Glandular fever Glandular fever is a type of viral infection that mostly affects young adults. | High temperature Sore throat Swollen glands in the neck Extreme tiredness | Glandular fever is spread through saliva. It can be spread through kissing, exposure to coughs and sneezes. Sharing eating and | Someone with glandular fever is contagious for at least two months after initially being infected. There is no cure for glandular fever. Treatment focuses on helping to relieve the symptoms, such as using painkillers, to reduce the symptoms of pain and fever. The

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