
Teach-Me-Reader And Listening To My Mother Reading

Decent Essays

I learned to read before I started Kindergarten, by using a Teach-Me-Reader and listening to my mother reading to me from infancy. The Teach-Me-Reader was a toy produced in the late 1980’s by Playskool and it was developed in collaboration between Playskool and reading specialists. It was described on the box as being “ the first electronic teacher with a voice that ‘reads out’ each work your child touches on the page.” I loved it and I can remember spending hours reading the stories over and over before I started school.
While the Teach-Me-Reader was a large piece of learning to read, it was not the only piece. I have a Mother who also enjoys reading and has always made it a priority. My earliest childhood memories are of her reading to me in the car and at home. In the car, I can remember asking her what the words said on signs as we drove past them, and I can remember her reading and spelling them out to me. Later as I got older she started quizzing me on some of the signs that we frequently passed on our way to the store or to my Grandma’s house. I can also remember her doing similar things as she read to me, pointing out and then quizzing me on …show more content…

I only have vague memories of watching videos that introduced letter sounds. After reading Examining the Historical Context for Teaching Reading, I have realized that since I was in school in the early 1990’s my teacher probably used the “whole language” method. However, I do remember reading to my Kindergarten class. The book I read was Petunia by Roger Duvoisin. The Scholastic grade level for this book is 2.3 and the Lexile level was 510, not too shabby! Books like Petunia were what I liked to read in school, which contained animals or were funny. I also liked books that focused on children, like the Boxcar Children, or Roald Dahl and Beverly Cleary books. I also liked to write about similar things, especially dogs and

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