
Teaching As A Teacher 's Leadership

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Classroom teaching is often a stepping-stone toward school leadership positions. Teachers may be called upon to lead within their grade-level or content area in the context of departmental positions. Teaching experience is also a high priority for administrators when considering the hiring of prospective principals. Understanding how classroom teachers view leadership and want to be led is an important element for effective school leadership. A teacher’s leadership preference will affect how they interact with leaders over them (e.g., department chairs and principals), how they lead when placed in positions of authority, and what training they may need in order to be successful in a leadership role. Whether in an elementary or secondary …show more content…

The Need for Effective Leadership in Christian Schools
The Christian school movement began in the United States during the middle to late 1900s as parents wanted their children to be educated in schools that would align with their religious and moral teachings (Fremont, 2003). The number of students enrolled in Conservative Christian schools in the United States dropped from 954,360 in 2005 to 707,100 in 2013, lower than the previous 15 years (NCES, 2014). Christian schools today face the challenge of fulfilling parents’ desires for a solid Biblical foundation as well as academic excellence for each student. It is this “dual responsibility of spiritual development and academic excellence in a Christian school” that effective Christian school leaders must fulfill (Banke, Maldonado, & Lacey, 2012, p. 255).
Provide a strong Biblical foundation. The 2013 “What Parents Want” survey published by the Fordham Institute (Zeehandelaar & Winkler) concluded Christian school parents rank having a school with a curriculum that is compatible with their personal beliefs higher than parents of children who are in public schools. Christian school parents also desire a strong moral code of behavior compared to charter school parents. After surveying 12 Christian school leaders, Banke, Maldonado, and Lacey (2012) summarize the role of the leaders in this way:
The objective of Christian education is to instruct the constituents of

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