
Teaching Freedom : Education For Liberation

Decent Essays

Charles M. Payne and Carol Strickland used the methodology of combing various scholarly articles into a collection that expounds upon education for liberation. In Teach Freedom: Education for Liberation in the African American Tradition the question of “did your education encourage you to move” resonated with me throughout the text. Over a series of nineteen articles, the centering theme of the role of education being political tied to the problem of African Americans being subjected to a hegemonic system which places those living at the intersection of race, class, and/or gender mis-educated. Which causes people of color to turn a blind eye to self-discovery and left uncritical problems within society. If Teach Freedom’s goal was to have the readers change the lens of viewing education, this work accomplished it by giving me insight on an array of pedagogical principles in liberatory education. From citizenship schools, to freedom schools, to African-centered institution the encouragement of conscientization and collaboration led to a breaking dominate constructs and being autonomous. As I reflected on the text, I began to consider what the meaning of knowledge, what it really is and how the use of knowledge is political and powerful. The goal of liberatory education is provoke a shift in dominant paradigms that forces the student to be a consumer, rather than a creator, to be a learner, rather than a reactor, to be free rather than in captivity. The early citizenship

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