
Technique Technique Chart For The U-Arm Room At Mchenry County Orthopedics

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For this project, I chose to create a technique chart for the U-Arm room at McHenry County Orthopedics. This room is equipped with a Sedecal X Plus LP direct digital radiographic unit. In order to create a technique chart for this equipment, myself, Amber, and Garrett began by gathering kVp, mAs, the exposure indices, patient thickness, SID, grid ratio, focal spot size, and whether or not automatic exposure control (AEC) was utilized for all exams. In a perfect world, I would be able to use a caliper to measure the body part of each patient in order to determine patient thickness, but instead I improvised with patient’s body habitus (asthenic, hyposthenic, stenic, or hypersthenic). There is no technique posted in the room to be able to go …show more content…

I believe any patient will have a different thickness of their finger compared to their elbow. The kVp should start at a low 50 kVp for the fingers then increase to 65 kVp for the elbow. Another thing technologist’s do here is reprocess almost every image. They will post-process and crop their images, then click on the re-process button because they believe that makes the image look better. Although, their radiation protection is not so good when it comes to techniques, they do a great job of shielding all patients, whether they’re of reproductive age or not. My data has shown that technologist’s at MCO are consistently overexposing their patients when it comes to extremities. To prove whether or not they are overexposing patients, I have gathered the exposure indices for all exams. The exposure meter points to the red for the majority of extremity exams. As pointed out before, red on the exposure meter indicates overexposure. I have also found that they never remove the grid for exams, even for extremity work. This results in overexposing the patient by having to increase technique, specifically kVp to compensate for the grid. As stated in Radiographic Imaging and Exposure, “grids are typically used only when the antomic part is 10 cm or greater in thickness, and more than 60 kVp is need for the examination” (Fauber 188). I have also noticed that the

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