
Technological Advancements And The Development Of The Han And Roman Empires

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The Han and Roman civilizations developed during the classical age with dates originating at 206 B.C.E. and 753 B.C.E. respectively. The Classical age is a period of time in which civilizations unearthed many new ideas and innovations, which stood the test of time and influenced many later civilizations. Most civilizations experienced these ideas and innovations during a “Golden Age.” Whenever the golden age happened it didn’t happen at the same time in all civilizations with some lasting longer than others, and some starting numerous years before another’s. Within the time of the golden age civilizations experienced many new advancements in the arts, culture, and technology. While all of the advancements usually aided the civilizations within their golden age and for years afterwards, not everyone was supporting to the development of technological innovation. Han and Roman civilizations had varying viewpoints on the development of technology within their civilizations. Some people thought that the newfound technology would help people make their work and life much easier, yet others decided that it was just a waste of time and money and they would be better of without it. The Han and Roman civilizations both took a deep pride in their technological breakthroughs as it made their people’s lives easier by decreasing the time and labor it took to complete a job. Document 2, talks about the creation of the pestle and the mortar by, Huan Tan. The pestle and mortar were tools

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