
Technology: A New Way to Treat Chronic Problems

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Like people, chronic conditions come in all shapes and sizes. From a minor inconvenience to in-your-face, life changing ailments, chronic conditions account for significant spending in the United States. It is fortunate that for many disorders, an individual may choose to make better life style choices resulting in improvement of the severity of the condition, or in some cases, eradication of the illness. Furthermore, chronic conditions and its consequences may be immediate or deferred, depending on the individual. In addition to lifestyle choices, technology offers opportunities to improve quality of life. A review of deferred and immediate consequences of chronic conditions, and well as the role of technology in seizure disorders, schizophrenia, and congestive heart failure will be explored.
Chronically Chronic I remember as a little girl hearing about how my Maw Maw (Grandmother) suffered from arthritis and diabetes before she died. Although it sounded very sad, I had a sense that was something that happened to other, unfortunate people. Now, here I am today, facing the reality that due to a strong family history, I stand a very real chance of developing diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension. This same scenario plays out hundreds of times per day, in hundreds of different ways, year after year. According to Christensen, Grossman, and Hwang (2009), “ninety million Americans currently have chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and dementia” and

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