
Technology : A Beneficial Driving Force For Providing Quality Patient Care And Assisting Physicians With Complex Cases

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Introduction: Progressing Technology Through time, technology has proven to be a beneficial driving force for providing quality patient care and assisting physicians with complex cases. The first discovery of imaging technology was in 1895 by a German scientist named Wilhelm Roentgen, who won the first physics Nobel Prize in 1901. (Morris, 1525-1527) (Frie) His discovery opened the door for progressing developments in medical imagery such as the use of contrast agents to better visualize organs and the testing of the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device in the 1980’s. (Morris, 1525-1527) (Frie) We have moved away from the primitive use of film cassettes and fluorescent screens, and to high-quality and innovative techniques of …show more content…

Detailed images allow physicians to have a preliminary look at internal structures in the absence of surgical intervention. External exams and blood test alone are not enough to treatment minor and complex illnesses, so to be able view these images is extremely helpful in all aspects of medical diagnosis. One of the main technologies that has been the primary component for detailed images is the MRI machine. This device was specifically designed to provide detailed images of the human body by using a powerful magnet that aligns the nuclei in atoms causing them to produce their own magnetic field which is detected by the scanner thus creating an image. (Morris, 1528-1529) Even though we have this capability, there are new developments in detailed imaging such as three- and four-dimensional (3D and 4D) technology. (Morris, 1531-1532) 3D and 4D imaging provide an efficient and accurate real-time look inside the human body. We now have the use of 4D ultrasound that have proven to be useful during pregnancy to evaluate possible birth defects of unborn babies as well as 4D MRI technology that is a non-invasive way to visualize blood flow in arteries. (Morris, 1531-1532) Shorter Processing Time Since diagnostic imaging is an essential component to treatment and prevention of illness, the processing time is a critical element. The shift from hard-copy image printing on film to the more advanced digital data transfer has streamlined the processing of imagery.

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