
Technology And Advanced Technology : The Aspects Of Technology

Decent Essays

Technology has become so advanced and has shaped the world in many different ways. Seems like most everyone has a smartphone and/or a computer nowadays, which means in one way or another everyone has experienced a loading screen and has had to wait for what may seem like an unbearable amount of time for a page to load. Jason Farman, an associate in the department of American studies at the University of Maryland mentioned in his article that “waiting, for most people, is associated with boredom and discomfort.”(Farman, 2017) The advanced technology that humans have now produced is made for quick use, so when we don’t get quick responses from technology, we get impatient and frustrated. In a study done by Ben Shneiderman (1984), it talks about how generally, people expect responses to be less than a second. Results show that as response time decreases, the productivity of people will increase. Long system responses with slow rates of display lead to a lower satisfaction and increase of errors by the user. A user may pick up the speed and increase pace, which might mean they learn less of what they read. Culturally, yes humans have been accustomed to faster speeds of technology. We have such advanced technology now that our response time has become shorter and shorter. Farman mentions in his article that the use of a waiting icon can make us wait longer, because we can see something happening, whereas if the page has a blank screen, we are led to believe that there is

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