
Technology And Culture In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

Even though Fahrenheit 451 was written in 1953, it has striking similarities to our society today. In the book, Bradbury writes of futuristic technology and culture in America. American culture today is very similar to Bradbury’s futuristic society in Fahrenheit 451 because people do not think as much anymore, media is unreliable, and technology has a great importance in our society. Technology is a major part of American culture, as well as the society Bradbury created. We keep advancing technology, much like they do in the book. We use technology everyday and are attached to it. Mildred is a great example out of the book that shows how addicted they are to technology; she cared more about the parlor walls than anything. Most people get …show more content…

They don’t want to just sit around and talk because they would rather be using technology or doing something else unproductive and antisocial, just like in Bradbury’s written society. In the book, people never really thought. People today don’t think as much and when they do actually think today, it tends to be about themselves. In the book, Montag liked Clarisse because she put others first, unlike other people in their society. People today mostly talk about unimportant things, similar to how they do in the book. Media is unreliable because it also tends to talk about stupid things instead of important stories. They use mediocre news stories to distract us from actual problems. Media filters because they don’t want to upset minority groups, just like in the book. Media is untruthful and doesn’t always give us the whole story, similar to what they did with Montag’s chase on the news. Media in both today’s culture and Fahrenheit 451 are unreliable. The similarities of Fahrenheit 451 and American culture today should be quite alarming. Our culture could be going downhill like the culture in the book. We should not be so technologically dependent and think more about important issues. Media should stop being unreliable by being truthful and talking about important things in the country. All in all, the futuristic society Bradbury wrote about in Fahrenheit 451 is extremely similar to American culture

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