
Technology And Its Effect On Education

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Despite recent efforts in innovation, the rise of technology and the consistent changing of pedagogy, a range of studies have recently shown that students may be exiting the schooling system because of the disconnect between this system and the new digital world which ‘digital natives’ (ref) have become accustomed to in their formative years.
A number of papers have pointed to the disconnect, disassociation and discontent of students and their perception of the provision of education and its quality in relation to digital transcendence and pedagogy (Dede, 2005a; Denham & Gadbow, 2002; Geraci, 2005; Howe & Strauss, 2000; O 'Neil, 1995; Oblinger, 2003; Strauss, 2005; Zemke, 2001).
So what has changed so dramtically? How have we come to a point where students feel so disaffected that leaving the learning environment altogether seems the only viable option? Recent deficits in student outcomes in traditionally held values of literacy and numeracy have led some schools across state, private and international sectors to adopt new focus on these areas, under very traditional measures, but with little success or improvement in educational outcomes. (ref needed) (Sawchuk, 2009).
Some studies have suggested that schools have perhaps shown concern of the proliferation of technology, and in some cases, a perception by staff that the technology is little more than a simplistic tool and that the educational outcomes have been limited or non-existent. (ref

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