
Technology And Technology Essay

Decent Essays

It is important to use our common sense and utilize technology when it’s smart to, but also understand and recognize the power of technology and not abuse it or use it to harm others. We as humans in modern times have a huge responsibility to use the technology that God has allowed us to invent in a balanced approach.
One of the main characteristics of the human person is human beings are made in the image and likeness of God (Martino 9/29/17). While reading Pope Francis’s treatment of technology, I began to understand this human characteristic more. Pope Francis discussed the significance of technology such as nuclear energy, biotechnology, information technology, and knowledge of our DNA when he stated, “they have given those with the knowledge, and especially the economic resources to use them, an impressive dominance over the whole humanity and the entire world (Francis pg. 50). This shows that God trusts humans with this tremendous power because He believes that humans are made in his image and therefore have a natural attraction toward good things which would allow humans to use technology for good. As humans, we know that not all humans do good and therefore don’t use technology for good, but this was never God’s plan. Ever since Adam and Eve, sin has been part of the earth. God has trusted us to have dominion and power over all his creation, therefore it’s important that we use technology in a way that honors Him and protects the environment that He has created.

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