
Technology And The Field Education

Decent Essays

Technology has always been present in society. It transforms how we communicate, travel, and educate younger educations. In recent years, the computer has both helped and hindered the spread of knowledge from educators to students. The problem lies in how it is used; like all tools, the computer may be used in place of human labor, as robots do or may be used to improve the efficiency of an already profitable system. Throughout much of the twentieth century, technology and especially computers were seen as the wave of the future in schools. However, in many cases the promises were not fulfilled, leading to mediocre results.
Technology was important to the field education long before the computer age. “The education of the future, as I see it, will be conducted through the medium of the motion picture, a visualized education, where it should be possible to obtain one hundred percent efficiency (Oppenheimer 1).” Edison said this in 1922, decades before the computer had been invented, way before it was developed enough to be used in the classroom. However, his words would foreshadow the optimism that people would have about technology, particularly the computer, in the education system. Indeed, films are often shown in the classroom. An entire website, www. has been devoted to establishing a set curriculum involving the use of particular films in the subjects of health, language arts, mathematics, science, and social sciences. Discussion questions and

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