
Technology Exposed In George Orwell's Big Brother

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The world around us is fraught with danger and people who are ready to take advantage of us. In order to combat these dark forces around us technology has been developed to look to the public, with eyes and ears everywhere it is inescapable to avoid the gaze of the government, or as known in the novel by George Orwell “Big Brother”. The question at hand is whether or not the precautions we take are bringing the world closer to the one displayed in Orwell’s novel. The answer is no, not in the slightest. The technology employed is used for one reason and one reason only, to keep the public safe from those who would wish harm upon it, in contrast to the world of 1984 in George Orwell's book, who strips the citizens of individuality, freedom of …show more content…

As sick as that is, it is the current reality humans live in. A stranger can be a friend or a foe, and anyone can try to harm you. Yet as dismal as this may seem it is not to the point of 1984, a book centered around a dystopian future, with no individuality or freedom of thought humans submit and live under constant supervision from the government, through telescreens that are placed in the citizens' homes and around the city that is constantly transmitting what they say and does back to the government. The truth of this time is humans are also under constant supervision in public areas. Demonstrated in the article, “In Britain, Somebody's Watching You” by Jennifer Carlile, it is impossible to avoid all the devices employed to keep the public safe, “ In fact it would be impossible to avoid all of the 96 cameras at Heathrow airport, 1,800 in train stations, 6,00 on the London Underground, 260 around parliament, 230 used for license plate recognition in the city center, and the dozens surveying West End streets.” (Carlile Somebody’s Watching You). These cameras watch the public all day every day, in order to help document and prevent crime. Despite the unavoidable documentation of someone's daily commute, there is no invasion of privacy. As stated in the article ,” - all windows and doorways into private residences are blurred, staff must fill out a “regulatory investigative powers

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