
Technology In Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

Technology is simply the practical application of various scientific principles in the form of modern inventions. The previous century has witnessed a tremendous ever-increasing dependence on the latest technological devices, and drastic amounts of money were spent every year by people to get access to these inventions, and that has continued up till now. In Ray Bradbury’s futuristic dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, that negative impact of technology on our human nature was perfectly illustrated; additionally, Bradbury’s predictions are surprisingly very closely connected to our present.
The society displayed in Bradbury’s masterpiece Fahrenheit 451 lacked numerous basic human attributes because of technology. First, people lost the ability …show more content…

Regardless of their ages, people are becoming introverts over time, especially children who now experience a totally different life than before. Video games are isolating them from their parents and friends; they no longer want to spend time with them since video games resemble a much more fun virtual world to them. Such addiction was shown in the novel by Mildred when she refused turning off the TV for her ill husband saying, “ ‘That’s my family!’ ”(Bradbury 46). That addiction has destroyed many of our human qualities; including the natural human tendency to explore our surroundings. Many people already know about technology more than they know about the nature and the world, and that exact meaning was illuminated by Clarisse in the novel when she said: “ ‘I sometimes think drivers don’t know what grass is… because they never see them slowly,’ ”(Bradbury 6). Another point is that relationships are now also constantly getting worse; with the rapid increase in the number of online-dating websites, even love is becoming digital, gradually erasing the real meaning of emotions. Technology is playing the exact same role today as in the novel, which has eliminated people’s ability to think. An example of this is the calculator, which has made it useless for children in schools to learn mental math; causing low levels of intelligence on the long term.

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