
Technology : The Causes And Effects Of Technology In The World

Decent Essays

The technology we use in our everyday lives has created a far too comfortable environment for its users. These days people of all ages use technology. It has reached a point where it is almost normal for a toddler to own a tablet or cell phone and for children to have their own social media accounts. It is also not uncommon to feel secure putting personal information out for businesses and organizations to use or making purchases over the internet without first being sure you are receiving what you payed for. We use technology in such a nonchalant way that we do not even stop and realize how corrupt of an environment has been created through technology. The most widespread advance we have made recently is the internet. It seems lately that nothing would actually function correctly without internet. With that large of a platform for social media, though, there are bound to be ups and downs that come along. News about what is going on in the world you live in used to take a few days to get around. Now it is simply posted to social media and within a matter of minutes everyone knows about it. Though, with all the people posting about an event, the sources are not always sincere. Fact and opinion mold together and when people see it suddenly false information is spread like wildfire. Cell phones are another contradictory part of modern technology. When they were first open to the public, cell phones were used for no more than a simple phone call. However here we are years later with a phone, camera, computer, and television molded together to make what we call a smart phone. In fact, they are not even particularly used as a phone anymore, but rather for texting or scrolling through social media. Smart phones can be great for several reasons like having a long distance friendship or relationship, meeting new people across the world with similar interests, or keeping people you do not see day to day updated on your life through social media. While all of these are helpful pros for uses of a smart phones there are also cons. Meeting new people online can be exciting, especially if you and the person you meet share similar interests, but it is also extremely dangerous. There are several kids under the age of

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