
Technology & Work Life Balance

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Technology and Work Life Balance
Human Resource Perspectives on Work Life Balance

Technology and Work Life Balance 2 Table of Contents

OVERVIEW OF TELECOMMUTING…………………………………………………………4

Technology and Work Life Balance 3 INTRODUCTION
As technology has advanced over the years, and become a more prevalent aspect of both work and ‘non-work’ life, it has opened the door to obstacles and …show more content…

Whether one chooses to telecommute or not, I believe advances in technology push employees to be more connected, and for some, disconnecting is the hardest part. For others, it seems to be necessary to work at all times and in all places, in order to keep up and be successful. For me, it is a combination of both. I feel an implied requirement to be available, and a need to respond

Technology and Work Life Balance 5

quickly, as I have been provided with a BlackBerry. I also feel that in order to keep up with my workload, I need my BlackBerry, and remote lap top access, so I don’t fall behind. I should; however, confess that I am also one of those employees who experiences a hard time turning off from work. According to a survey by Dell and Intel, (Technology hurts work/life balance: Survey, December, 2011) 75% of respondents said technology enables more flexibility in their workplace and productivity is measured by output rather than time spent at work. However, the downside to this flexibility is that 43% of respondents said they have trouble switching off from work during their free time and 48% said they have more work than can be handled in a traditional 9 to 5 schedule.
As a full time career woman, and full time mother, there are both opportunities and challenges to being connected to work through technology. To begin, I would

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