
Technology in Schools Is an Asset

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Imagine what schools would look like without all of the technology they have now. No computers, televisions, projectors or smart boards, just a piece of chalk and a black board. Is that the best way of teaching? Or is technology a major factor in the success of students today? According to a local principal “there is a technology gap and the schools must address this concern. It is critical to prepare our students to meet the demands of the 21st century and technology is on the forefront of job development. In order for our students to be successful in the workforce, they must have the skills to utilize technology.” Through multiple in-depth studies, researchers have been able to prove that almost all computer technology has had a positive impact on the students using it. “Technology in Education” says that “Technology is making a significant, positive impact on education” (7) Despite the positive results of the conducted research, some people still believe that the chalkboard is the way that students should be taught and that technology is not the way to go. Going from chalkboards to computers is a big step in education, but it is one necessary to keep up with the world around us. With the use of technology increasing in the work place and at home, it is almost necessary to have it in schools. The exposure that students have to technology has the potential to provide them with a successful education that could not have been provided before. It can use the way the students

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