
Ted Talk Analysis

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You are requiring me write about this ted talk because there was alcohol in my room. Having alcohol in my room was a mistake that will not happen again and hopefully this video will help me improve as a person and see where I went wrong. Alcohol is a huge problems and college and maybe this ted talk will express those problems even more. You have required me to watch a ted talk. The Ted talk is called the power of believing you can improve. This seems like a very interesting ted talk about this lady talking about younger kids. She starts off talking about how you should be graded and failure grades should be called a not yet. Which Makes it seem like if you try again you can succeed. If you simply say that you failed it will discourage kids …show more content…

Growth mindset seems to be a good thing and a goal for us all to achieve. For some kids it was hard for them because they weren’t smart enough and they hard a fixed mindset meaning they weren’t up for the challenge when it comes to smartness. “They were gripped in the tyranny of now” she said and next time they will probably cheat their way through. Basically they ran from there difficulties. Growth mindset can learn from their mistakes and fix them. She asks the question what is the goal for our children. She asks the question what can we do to help children. She suggests why don’t we process praise in other words “intelligence praise”. This creates kids that a hardy and resilient. This creates more effort strategy and perseverance. She wants to change student’s mindsets. Also wants people to push out of their comfort zones because that will make them smarter. This will help a lot with struggling students according to her. In America certain students have a disadvantages because of where they live for example like inner cities or Indian reservations. This is due to lack of money and they live in poor areas. Everything can change though if we change the class room into a growth mindset class rooms that make kids smarter according to her. She has evidence of this because they tried this in places like Brooklyn and the results were

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