Ted Talk Analysis Proposal: Energy Conservation Energy conservation is an important subject to address for many reasons. Oil resources, which most of the energy used today derives from, are depleting quickly. The more scarce these resources become, the more expensive it will cost. The production and consumption of this energy source is also bad for the environment. If nothing changes, then oil resources will be used up soon, prices will be high and global warming will be even worse. Through my presentation, I want to convey the message that action needs to take place to save the future. I want to teach the lesson that this problem will not go away by itself. I also want to talk about ways change can be done. The first TED talk video I watched is called “The Political Chemistry of Oil” by Lisa Margonelli (Margonelli). In this talk, Margonelli speaks of the unrestrained oil consumption that is occurring and her proposal for America to cut down their usage of oil. She introduces the topic of oil spills by talking about how disastrous they are. She makes the point that oil consumption only decreases when oil prices increase. Margonelli stresses the idea …show more content…
I chose this video above the others because the other videos focus on specific approaches to the deal with this issue. His idea of the transition approach brings people together which I personally think is the best way to get a job done. The ideas in the other videos were also good just they did not emphasize the need for widespread action to be done. Hopkins has a voice that is easy to listen to and understand, which his accent may be the reason for. He also uses great oral techniques which I hope to be able to use effectively as well. In conclusion, I would like to use the “Transition to a World Without Oil” by Rob Hopkins for my
Energy has easily become one of the most important necessities for our everyday lives. Without it we would simply not be able to have transportation or be able to gather any of our other resources that we depend on. If at anytime our energy supply ceases or no longer attainable the results may be horrific. However, it is quite easy to keep this from happening, It is crucial that our current population realize the importance of sustaining our present non-renewable resources. An examination of all the present energy issues and human impacts of energy conservation along with the a resource plan will show importance of energy
The TED Talk, “The surprisingly logical minds of babies,” was presented by Laura Schulz who is an associate professor of cognitive science in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences department at MIT. Schulz has been studying about how babies and children learn various things very quickly. During this presentation, Schulz focused on generalization and causal reasoning during infant stage.
In the Ted Talk, “How Augmented Reality Will Change Sports...and Build Empathy” Chris Kluwe discusses how augmented reality should be implemented in daily lives. Augmented reality allows people to see what someone else is seeing. It gives a different perspective for fans to experience what the players are going through. Chris Kluwe explains how augmented reality can be used in football. He says how it can be installed in the player’s visor, and it will provide information such as plays, and oncoming tacklers.
The excessive use of oil in the United States has been a very controversial debate with American experts and scientists. In his article “How America Can Free Itself of Oil-Profitability,” Amory Lovins addresses the many different issues associated with excessive oil consumption and the risks versus the benefits. Amory Lovins is a physicist, environmental scientist, writer, and Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute. He has written numerous research articles arguing for the use of renewable energy and alternatives for oil. Lovins also regularly gives presentations to other environmentalists discussing the pros and cons of oil consumption. It is clear that his target audience is the demographic of academics, scientists,
Now we mostly use fossil fuels and natural gas to produce energy. But these sources are running out. To save our planet we should use a new class of renewable energy sources, like wind turbines, solar panels, biofuels and hydrogen. Because our need for power is constantly increasing in the future we will have to produce more energy, which is associated, among other things, with greater emissions of CO2 and further pollution of the environment and global warming. Most likely oil is going to be the first one that’s not going to be sufficient enough to satisfy our needs in the future. To transition to alternative sources of energy would require a rapid expansion of those sources. Now alternative sources of energy playing a small percent of the world’s energy. To transition we would have to triple or quadruple that percentage.
America must wean itself off of dependence on foreign oil, and one valid solution to this problem is offshore oil drilling and production. America’s economy is heavily based on petroleum, as though it is the nation’s blood; a necessity for survival. About 25% of oil produced in the U.S. comes from offshore rigs. Most of the U.S. coastline has been off limits for oil drilling since the early 1980s. Due to environmental concerns after an oil spill off the coast of California in 1969, an offshore drilling moratorium was imposed. Since then, the U.S. has amplified its energy consumption to where it uses nearly 25% of the world's oil. Meanwhile, the U.S. produces about 10% of the world's oil. That has made the U.S. heavily reliant on imported
Senator Everett Dirksen once noted “The oilcan is mightier than the sword”. In today’s world, it is easy to see why oil can be considered the most important resource to hold. Without oil, many of the common day occurrences we take for granted would be impossible. Oil is used for almost everything; from the fuel used to drive our vehicles, to the plastics used in every facet of life, and providing the heat needed to live through the winter. In fact, the United States depends so much on oil that as a nation it uses over 20 million barrels a day. Importing oil increases the total costs because of the need to transport it from around the world. It is estimated
America the beautiful, land of the greed and the home of oil. Along with being a major superpower comes an insurmountable thirst for fossil fuels. Imperialist ideals and the corporate oil empire can bring stability and jobs but heavy costs also arise. Numerous solutions have been tried, but without fixing the underlying problem more issues are inevitable. Our over-consumption has an incredible effect on our reliance on foreign oil. OPEC, the Organization of the Oil Producing Countries, has supplied Americans with a constant flow of both oil and jobs. Nevertheless, progression comes with high cost to our environment, in addition to pulling us into international involvements. Increasing the United States’ domestic oil production was just a
In “Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent,” Safwat Saleem, shows his passion and his courageous side when speaking in his Ted Talk, describing the main idea of there not being such a thing of normalcy, as well as arguing that individuals should be confident and accept who they are from their special qualities. Agreeing with Saleem (2016), however to also consider it has become common in today’s society to want to be normal. Therefore many people would not agree with wanting to be exactly known as quote on quote ‘normal’ but they may want to assimilate to norms because that person is or may be in a unique way socially accepted.
What do we know about our energy sources and how our energy choices affect the environment? Many people still do not put much though into this topic or pay any attention to the amount of energy they use or where it comes from. For some it is just willful negligence, but for many others it may be due to a lack of knowledge on the subject. Perhaps it is a good idea to pay closer attention and educate ourselves so we can make informed decisions that may lead to less stress on our wallets and on our environment. In order to make a change, we should observe our currently used energy sources in everyday life, the impact of increasing energy uses, and observe all of the alternative options available to us.
When it comes to choice it always seems to be a love hate relationship: we hate making them, but we can’t live without them. Anyone can all look back to a time in our lives where they wish someone could just pick for us, or times when we wish there were more to choose from. All Americans have many choices, and it is such a part of our daily lives that we don’t even realize it. Barry Schwartz and Sheena Iyengar‘s TED talks bring up interesting ideas about choice, how people deal with them and their affects. They both state that although choice is good, it can also have negative effects. Schwartz explains what most people believe and experience with choice, while Iyengar shows cultural differences in choice making. Both Schwartz and Iyengar
My dear child, I have a very important mission for you. You are going to be super hero who will save the world. Our planet is on the edge right now, soon we will be faced with very serious crisis. Energy crisis. We use energy every day and it’s very hard to imagine our world with out of electricity. Can you imagine, that one-day electricity may become as expensive as gold and we won’t be able to use it on regular basis, like we do now. And this day might be coming soon. So let’s imagine that we are on a freeway. Just a few miles over the horizon lies the ultimate exhaustion of our planet’s fossil fuel supply. However, before we reach that otherwise inevitable destination, there are several exits at which we can turn off to evade the unquestionably chaotic and potentially economically ruinous position of losing the energy source upon which we primarily rely. According to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers of MIT, there are 1.3 trillion barrels of proven oil reserve left in the world 's major fields, which at present rates of consumption should last 40 years. Same time the organization also emphasizes that by 2040, production levels may be down to 15 million barrels per day – just 20% of what we currently consume. By that time, it is probable that the world 's population will be double what it is today and much more industrialized, and therefore oil dependent (3).Do you understand how scary it is?!
Today in the United States gas is at a record low on the national average being below $3 it seems like we are heading in the right direction, but looks can be deceiving. While the USA gas prices drop, other countries are fighting over our $120+ Billion average oil costs. Despite the consistent jump prices from being outrageously expensive to afford to fill up our tanks, we are still not focusing more on something that would save the American people billions a year. The solution is focusing less on finding oil that will eventually become scarce to switching to a more logical choice; which is renewable energy.
The world is depended on oil and soon oil will become more valuable than gold and could lead to a worldwide war. Price for oil could soar to above two hundred fifty dollars per barrel. Oil and other fuel cell also cause green house gases which contribute to global warming. China is consuming two times more petroleum than 1996 and India is projected to consume three times the oil it currently does by 2050. Global house gas emission has increased by twenty percent from 2003 to 2006. Energy consumption has increased exponentially throughout the globe. The U.S. department of energy projects energy consumption will increase seventy percent from 2003 to 2030. The world has agreed to reduce emission by twenty five percent before 2020 and by over
We use oil every day of our lives. I’m not talking about the oil we cook with, but the one we use to power the electricity plants, our cars, and the cargo ships that import the food we consume. We may not realize how our way of living impacts the lives of people from other parts of the world, but it does – sometimes in a major way. I’ll be honest, I didn’t put too much thought about the amount of gasoline I consumed. I just drove my car everywhere - whether it was to eat, shop, or just travel - without a care in the world. Why? Because it is the most convenient way to get around, and because it is our norm. Our lifestyle is the cause for the immense demand for fossil fuel. What we don’t realize is that this demand leads to more oil drilling, which impacts the lives of an enormous amount of people in countries such as Nigeria, along with destroying their environment.