
Teen Activism

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Did you know that more than 1.8 billion young teen activists between the ages of 10 to 24 are currently changing the world through organizations and funds. (“17 ways young people are changing the world”. Source cited in sources) You might be thinking: What is Teen Activism? Well Teen Activism is Teens from all around the world doing something that can make a good change to the world. These teens that are making a change can make the world better but, they have to be willing to give up a couple of things like personal time. Even know these activists lose personal time they gain help and support for there cause. Some examples of activists are: Faye Carey, Alex Lin, and Malala yousafzai. All of these activists all have created funds or …show more content…

He got a lot of interest and finally went to a nice home in Auckland. As she was trying to find a home for a litter of abandoned kittens, she needed a free way to advertise these kittens so, she thought about making a facebook page that would allow people to adopt animals and it was a free way to advertise. So she created a facebook page and that facebook has helped Faye re-home more than 60 dogs. Animal control officer Vaughan Oliver says “This takes a lot of the heat off the pound for us trying to get these dogs into homes”. Faye continues to help every Friday at the animal control.

Finally, the last activist: Malala yousafzai is one of the most bravest activist out of the two other activists that is listed above. It all started when the Taliban came to swat valley in 2004. They then showed the real power of terrorism in 2007. The people that are in swat valley have seen very bad days in life. Malala's story starts when she sees all of this madness and darkness in swat valley. She tries to get her voice on media channels, tv shows, websites and says to everyone that we need to fight against terrorism. When the Taliban closed down all of the schools Malala started to fight for education. To help her with this her dad was most helpful in support of girls education. The Taliban closed down the schools because they believed

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