
Teen Commit Suicide

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Committing suicide is a very serious problem because suicide could cause them to kill or harm theirself. Also, teens have a lot of ways to committed suicide by hanging theirself and many more. Many teens joke and make fun about suicide they probably think teen suicide is a game and they do not see it as a serious problem. Some teens are having suicidal thoughts and won’t tell people their problems. If teens told their problems to others their friends would of understand what they’re going through and they could help each other.
People Suffering of losing their children's
Why are parents suffering of losing their children's? Parents are suffering of losing their children’s because teen parents around the world are suffering of loss their …show more content…

There is a number to call 1-800-273-8255 Suicide Prevention Lifeline you can call if you want to talk to someone about committing suicide they will listen to you and will convince you to not commit suicide or call 911 immediately. Also they will give you advice on how to live your life better than just depressed emotions.
Cyber Bullying
Bullies use the internet to do their dirty work. Why? you might ask, because someone might post something embarrassing or horrible like post a picture of them doing something embarrassing,fake info about them,or nudes. Which also means they could feel depressed and think of killing themselves. Cyberbullying could be mostly used in social media. Social media is a big part in life right now, and it’s especially used for drama and for also spreading rumors. Some teens are being hate on because of how they look, of what they do, or of where they're from. Teens all over the world are committing suicide because of cyberbullying.

Teens around the world are committing suicide and are making their life more harder than it is. Lots of teens parents are suffering of loss and sadness because of their child committing suicide. Teens leave lots of hard or obvious hints of them maybe committing suicide, for an example they might have really bad behavior with someone. Another example is they might have trouble socializing with someone, or they might give away their valuable stuff.

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