
Teen Drunk Driving Research Paper

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Everybody has made split decisions during their teenage years, but maybe not all have lived to tell the outcome. Making one hasty decision to drink and drive could change your life and possibly the lives of others in the blink of an eye. Although the problem of teenage drinking and driving has been brought to everybody's attention, there has not been too much done to try and prevent it. There are plenty of things you can do to try and persuade teens to drive sober, such as giving teens positive role models, having parents do their duty by teaching their teens about peer pressure (saying no!) and enforcing schools to show the effects of drunk driving. Teens today have so many bad influences in their life such as negative role models. Celebrities …show more content…

Most schools do their part to educate their students that drunk driving kills, but they do not do much after that. reported that a high school in Sanford Michigan put on a mock car crash a few days before prom. Students were chosen to be in the “accident” and emergency responders were present to step into action. One teen was lying on the hood with blood dripping down her face while the driver, a varsity football player, was being shoved into the back of a police car for failing a sobriety test. This mock accident had a significant emotional impact on the high school students. Scenarios like this show teens how quickly their life can be affected, whether that is being the intoxicated driver or the sober passenger. According to, in 2005, 676 teens under the age of 21 were killed during prom and graduation season in alcohol related crashes. Schools should require students to take a breathalyzer test when entering and leaving activites like prom and graduation. This may be able to stop the fatality number from increasing. We cannot stop every single person from driving drunk, but what we can do is do our best to prevent it and make the consequences …show more content…

According to, teens are more apt to have their phones twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, than to drink seven days a week. The website also states that if you are using your cellular device to shoot a quick text while driving your car, you are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash. Some teens do not realize that one message is not as important as their life and possibly the lives of others. There has been many tv commercials from cell phone companies that show families who have been affected by this distraction. Just imagine your family being the one on tv; your family planning your funeral, crying themselves to sleep at night saying “what if I had talked to my kid about drunk driving”. What could they have done to save you. The reality is your parents can not always be there to protect you. The ultimate responsibility for your life lies in your hands and with the decisions you

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