
Teen Suicide

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Teen suicide is a plague on our nation that has claimed thousands of lives, yet could be easily prevented through the recognition of warning signs and proper education. The number of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, AIDS, and birth defect related deaths combined does not amount to the number of deaths caused by suicide in young adults and teenagers. In the majority of cases, teens considering suicide showed warning signs. Four out of five teenagers who have attempted suicide showed warning signs of suicidal thoughts, yet little to no effort has been put in to put these students back on track (The Jason Foundation). Making proper resources required in school curriculum could guide struggling students towards a better life. If schools put in the effort to identify students who show signs of suicide and depression, countless lives would not be lost. …show more content…

Total teen suicide rate has increased by 24% in the past 15 years, and is continuing to grow as more teenagers make the choice to end their life (National Institute of Mental Health). The number of girls who took their own life has skyrocketed in such a short amount of time that it is beginning raise questions about the educational system and the environment they live in. Rates of suicide in females ages 15 to 19 has reached the highest point in 40 years just from 2007 to 2015, in addition to the fact that during that time period suicide rates had also doubled. As if the rates of suicide in young girls was not alarming enough, the rates of suicide in boys is significantly higher (The Huffington Post). It has been shown that teenage boys are four times more likely to take their own life than

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