
Teenage Dating In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Teenage Dating When most people think of teenagers they think of them being irresponsible, or immature, which leads them to not thinking that they can do the right thing. But as parents it is their duty to help control and guide their children into making the right direction. Parents don’t have to sit and hover over their child but they need to help and have a say in what they do, such as dating. When teenagers decide to start dating it can be a big deal and have many responsibilities that go along with it. To help protect their children, I think that parents should have the right to forbid teenagers to date certain people. Some people may take the other side of this and say that parent should not have the right to forbid teenagers to date …show more content…

They both go to him for his help and they say if he doesn’t help him that they will end up killing themselves to end whatever is bothering them. For example in Act ii III ll 20-25 “ There is no world without Verona wall, But purgatory, torture, hell itself. Hence banished is banisht from the world, And world’s exile is death. Then “banishment,” Is death mistermed. Calling death “banishment,” Thou cuttst my head off with golden axe And Smilest upon the stroke that murders me.” When Romeo says this he is saying that when he is banished that it is worse than death and if Friar Laurence doesn’t help him that he will end up killing himself. This is after his wedding and he is upset that he can no longer be in Verona or be with Juliet. This is an example of the decisions that some teenageers can make, and the effects that it may have when they are in a relationship with someone else. If their parents were involved with their dating life it may have influence them more to not to jump into marriage so quickly to someone that they barely …show more content…

The person could not be the same person that you meet at first, they could change into an entirely new person. They be controlling, can do drugs, or turn to violence, this relates to a story like Bethany’s. When she was just seventeen, she started to date a boy name Brad, he seemed like the perfect guy just like a romantic movie, and everyone seen them as star crossed lovers but in reality he was controlling, abusive, made forced her to do things that she never dreamed of doing. She held this burden and felt that she couldn’t tell anyone and hid her marks from family and friends. But if she would have told her parents they could have help stopped it, and freed her from seeing him and the

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